I'm 30 weeks!
Size of Baby: Anderson is the size of a head of cabbage (Between 2.5-3 lbs & 15-16 in long)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 14.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Just about everything! Can still wear a couple regular dresses, but my options are more and more limited!
Gender: It’s a boy! Anderson Lee Astacio J
Movement: Such an active dude. I love it. I can definitely tell he’s growing like a weed and is finding my ribs! I’ve also learned he really likes when I eat Fruit Loops.
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping really well the last few weeks, but when I wake up early, I can never fall back asleep! Boo.
What I miss: Just sleeping on my stomach.
Cravings: Italian & watermelon & anything COLD.
Symptoms: Nothing significant, just gaining weight a bit more rapidly now, but still feeling awesome.
Best Moment this week: The nursery is painted and well on its way! J Bedding, curtains and pillows are almost done being made, furniture is being painted & chair has been ordered. I’m working on other random décor for the room & loving it. I was also excited to learn at my 28 week appointment a couple weeks ago, that I DO NOT have gestational diabetes, and everything is still looking great and right on track for his September arrival! YAY...67 days to go!
Here are some nursery-in-progress pictures:
So very exciting!!! :) Can't wait to see how you design the baseball pictures!!